Weird-Wired Next Fest 1st edition in Florence has been one of the most interesting initiative among the most recent events.
It can be considered as the Italian version of TEDx, the worldwide independent event whose acronym stands for technology, entertainment and design… Well, maybe Wired is trying to do the same, but dealing with the territory, rooted in the local network.

By the way, here we are with some weird-wired moments and protagonists of the weekend:

Pacman return and Geek lovers stuff:

…this is the HDR 75, analog hybrid computer that was developed in DDR in Dresda.

And now let’s go to the main topic of Wired Next Fest: the new beauty, how the digital world is changing our perception of beauty…
War, beauty and erotism of the art of Milo Manero, one of the most ccontroversi al contemporary weird artist in critics.
…and then The Bumbys, the American unidentified duo who is trying to keep and compare our personalities by their perception and their sensitive skills trasformed into an app:

Some more speeches and event slots focused on new movies coming soon – as ‘Login’ which is about the Internet rise in Italy – and on the augmented reality games like the one sponsored by Enel:

#NoteOfTheDay by Devendra: What we will be