Are you wondering where to go if you’re in relax, in Florence, in a sunny day, reading that museums are free because it’s the last Sunday of the month?

…This is the solution number 1
Here you are a sort of Bargello-pictures-show with some details about its artists and scultures. Take it as a sort of tour, for those who still not have the chance to go.

Then there is the Majolicas and pottery room:

Here you are the beauty accessories: the oldest bags made of pottery, ivory mirrors, jewels, chess and unbelievable staff and ornaments 😵

Then you arrive in the Islamic room with its completely covered walls, dark atmosphere and detailed ornaments:

…and the last biggest, brilliant and crowded room is the main central one with both the David statues:

and the heraldic lion which is located in the middle of the room, Marzocco:

After some hours, you can also enjoy the solution number 2…
Medici chapels

Here you are the Chapel of Princes where the Medici are buried:

#NoteOfTheDay ‘Renaissance‘ by Paolo Buonvino & Skin