Among the variety of things you can choose to spend it’s a good choice to spend some hours doing something you always think could be a little boring: I’m talking about spending some hours at the theatre, instead of the ordinary daily routine. It has been a mix of historical narrative about Magna Greece myths totally surrounded by a modern scenery full of projections, lights, colours and fountains.
I’m talking about a theatrical pièce which takes place in a new amphitheater built in Senise, a little town of Basilicata, in the South of Italy. It’s the first epic about Greek domination in this territory that then became Magna Greece:

…the story is told towards the extraordinary special effects of water and projections, and it’s about Alexios, the protagonist, who wants to travel the world and this journey will make him widen Magna Greece kingdom:
#NoteOfTheDay Inception soundtrack: Projections