Yes it’s hard to be believe, above all if thinking that that night was a Saturday night!
Who can imagine to be involved in a surprisingly exhibit on a Sat night? And in a church? Well it can happen, it happened. Saturday night, November 5th 2016.
It was almost midnight when the news came to my ears: ”The last supper‘ by Vasari will be shown at the Opera of Santa Croce for free – only for a night, due to the 50th anniversary of Florence flood – the disastrous flood of 1966 which destroyed half of the city…Vasari painting included.
Here you are what I was lucky to see..the Vasari unveiled at the Opera of Santa Croce:

In one of the inner room, there were projections related to the worst flood ever – at least in Florence:

During that flood – it was said – that the most of the city heritage was completely destroyed. The Vasari painting that was in the church of Santa Croce at that moment, was completely damaged by the water, and that’s why its restoration has been chosen as a symbol for the 50th anniversary after the big flood.
Enjoy my last pics of the Opera of Santa Croce:

..even if I suggest to visit it to have a look and see directly the painting and the Opera too! 🙌

#NoteOfTheDay ‘Only for a night‘ by Florence and the machine