My art of the brick? By chance, Southbank, London, after having a look at this ads, in the tube, some months ago.
10 mins later I was staring at the astonishing DC characters made of Lego bricks, a private collection of work of arts created by Nathan Sawaya, maybe the most popular #brickartist.
It was a private exhibit and I think it’s going all around the world. When I asked to the guy at the entrance, how Lego contributes to this kind of arts event, the answer was that the company doesn’t deal with that. None of a single campaign nor logistics or any support was done by the giant They do not support those exhibits because they already have a popular brand which is affirmed in the world, hence maybe arts only bother them..
By the way, the collection shows a lot of giant and reflective colorful bricks, which are able to show feelings and represent the proper DC characters and also show their movement and shapes:
Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, Flash…and the whole world of DC comics created in a bigger size: