Why people use fake spontaneous pictures of their breakfast on the table?!

It’s weird, because if you’re passionate about e-reading and you spend most of your time reading articles and blogs of popular people and even if you search for something curious, you end up reading those articles written by a famous fashion model or a unknown blogger which show you…where she is, what she wears and what she had for kfastkfast – such a shame.

So, am I guessing if people are really interested in these things? Why nowadays to be trendy means show people and friends pictures about everyday breakfast with eggs, bread, milk and orange juice, yogurts and fresh fruits, jam, coffee or cappuccino, with everything positioned so tidily and methodically on a table?! Then, you just need adding a final must: photos have to be rigorously taken from above.

trendy breakfast picture from above
trendy breakfast picture from above
another trendy breakfast picture
another trendy breakfast picture

So, do people use these pictures because of a trendy narcissistic habit or because they just really care about what they have for the most important meal of the day?

By the way, maybe some people just do it because fashion world does the same and this let them feel part of it, as if they shared the same habits. Some other people might tweet and post their breakfast pictures because they wanna share that moment of the day? Or maybe because they spent hours to prepare it and they are excited about the final result, so excited that they need to share it on social networks instead of feel, taste and enjoy that moment?!

I found some other article on this topic, but answers remain skeptical.
Anyway, let your eyes feel glad by looking at those #breakfast 😉

 #NoteOfTheDay Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Deep Blue Something, 1995.


Vogue fashion night out #vfno2015 Florence

Yes here we are! Just after some hours spent in the streets of the city center to explore the Vogue Fashion Night of 2015..

Agenda said it would have been full of people, parties, dj sets and shops open till late, but above all, the promotional gadgets were supposed to be everywhere. Not true. Gadgets can be translated into buying #vfno t-shirts for only 20€…25€ 

Even if the 30% is supposed to be part of charity funds for Meyer’s hospital, I literally think that this price is too much.

Anyway, let’s start with a little bit of pictures:

#vfno2015 #Pinko #pinkoLove 

queue to enter Pinko
inside Pinko in Via Roma, Florence
#vfno2015 #sisley  
#vfno in sisley

#vfno2015 #scrambler #DucatiScrambler in partnership with Tudor, Fani optical store in Via Tornabuoni 
scrambler #DucatiScrambler in partnership with Tudor, Fani optical store

 #vfno2015  #EmilioCavalliniBoutique   

Emilio Cavallini, Florence

 #vfno2015 #Pomellato Hyppo dancers 😍

Pomellato, Florence


Pomellato, Via Tornabuoni
#vfno2015 Inside Strozzi Palace with DJs, purple lights, people 
Strozzi Palace
Strozzi Palace

And finally, here we are in Repubblica Square, where fashion people, normal people, casual ones, dark ones, stylish and vintage ones, everybody meet.



Nightlife: those scenes you can see just in those hours

Nightlife, some times I think that nights should last longer. When you don’t have any plans for the night and then suddenly some friends call you to go out and see what to do together, those are the best moments ever. It always happened to come across some scenes that you can only see by chance, if you’re lucky enough.

Here’s what I came across some nights ago, while going towards the poshest street of Florence, maybe of Europe..because of its historical importance and the value of the brands that are located in its shops. Pay attention, you won’t be shown what you supposed to be shown 🙂
Via Antinori - Florence

ironing board

You know, we exactly are in Via Antinori,
and ‘Antinori’ it’s the name of one of the most important family in the history of this city. And it’s exactly the corner that leads you to Via Tornabuoni, the poshest street I was referring to before. So why an orange ironing board is there?!

Hence, a not very great scene.And that’s not all! The night it’s not finished yet…
We arrived in Santa Croce area..et voilà!Another weird wall appears to us:
Via de Garibaldi - FlorenceSpermatozoa? Well, I don’t think they’re tadpoles..
but there on the wall? What’s their meaning? The green tag at the bottom right said ‘URBAN’, yes, a urban work of art, but I really don’t know what could it mean, and if you know, please help me to understand 🙂

One Panda by Armani


Just while going all around, randomly,

here you what drew my attention:

Panda by Armani - in Florence
Panda by Armani – in Florence

Nice view: one white Panda car – not very the most recent kind of car – with corn plants on the top of it (or maybe some other plants that look like corn) and then the best… yes, I had to get closer to the car, to confirm I did not mistake.

A white clothes hunger that shows the Armani brand: maybe a suit, a coat or just a jacket.

Armani Collezioni - clothes hanger

Sorry for these photos, they are a little bit blurred, but the important was to show you ‘Armani Collezioni’ and share this wonderful scene of everyday life, in Via Verdi, Florence.

Doreen: from Caroline Abram collection.

NoteOfTheDay: Doreen.

One of the best surprise while going all around my city-of-the-moment: Florence.

After the most popular opticians in the center of the city, here you are the place that appears as the oldest Florentine optician. But whit the newest collections I’ve seen until now.

There are the traditional, conventional, regular, always-seen classic ones pair of glasses. And there is Caroline Abram. I’m going to dedicate this post to her. Or better, to her creativity, and her funny website.

So, I saw this pair of glasses in the shop window of this optician, Foto Locchi, in Via del Corso. But I had not the intention to buy them in one shot, and I started my usual researches online. After 1 hour, I still had not find them, probably not able.

Hence, I thought…why not try to keep in touch with this glass-stylist via social networks? Caroline Abram, she should be famous.. she had different events in Paris, and maybe thanks to the powerful Facebook I can contact her, have some glues and find them..

Just 2 minutes, and here you are


Eyeglasses- by Caroline Abram
Eyeglasses- by Caroline Abram

is it! Doreen, my best eyeglasses ever.

My tip: have a look at Caroline Abram collection 🙂