How can’t imagine thousands of Pitti phootsuite and articles in the blogs and selfies and special events without hashtags?
For this Pitti there’s a very interesting challenge, that marks the increasing importance of social network for the fashion world – and not only.
Let’s starting from hashtags as #Pitti #Pittiuomo #Pittiflorence #Pittifirenze #Pitti2016 and many more, but the real challenge is among the popular fashion brands, now that a only hashtag can be an original Brand or Product campaign!
#Luisaviaroma #imatechdreamer #techdreamer the whole campaign based on fashion business and technology, just to explain how the first Italian/English e-commerce became one of the most popolar in the world. Here you are some pics of its event (usually done as Pitti opening):

Some nice and weird people you could meet in the street during these days…

And finally the guests: Petite Meller, Dragonette and Nervo!

Then, here you are some original details and special campaigns:
nice and nonconformist idea to boost this #madeintuscany #nessunostile #tshirts:

And #thefakefactory a project by IED which aims at representing 50 years of Italian beauty and stile on La Rinascente walls!

#pivifirenze ‘The untitled project for Etchigo-Tsumari’ (the top Pitti feature I think!) is an installation by the artist Paola Pivi from Milan: it’s a huge colorful staircase over 20 metres tall that is located into the Palazzo Strozzi courtyard in order to let people feel the contrast between the modern sense and ancient style:

However, for the first time Pitti put on its website homepage its 4 official hahstags: #pittiuomo #pu89 #pittipeople #pittigenerations followed by some of the most famous fashion brands hashtags. But is this helpful? The wide range of hashtags causes just confusion…
anyway, besides hashtags, the social communication in general is becoming even more powerful: if once Facebook was the leader, now Twitter and above all Instagram are necessary.
Here you are the top hashtags list of #Pittiuomo 2016: #iamwhoiam by #AntonyMorato, #TommyHilfiger (omonym), #NorthSailsGerardLoft, #IEDsaveTheDuck, #ptdreams by Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, #romantictaste #atestoni by A. Testoni, #embracetheelements by the Canadian brand Nobis, any more?
#NoteOfTheDay Baby Love by Petite Meller – 2015