Video art exhibit “Electronic Renaissance” by Bill, Viola as Florence

Electronic Renaissance is not the name of an event about electro music, but the title of a video art exhibit by Bill Viola – Viola as the violet heart of Florence. Viola as a unique contemporary artist who believes that video is one of the leading arts and uses it in all of its shapes, from videotapes and architectural video installations to performances in rooms and areas completely where the sound and the electronic musics are a total immersive environment.

The exhibit is in Palazzo Strozzi and in the Strozzina –  the Centre for Contemporary Culture –  two of the most popular places of the city which take their name after an important ancient family based in Florence. This location is the most suitable one, seen that this exhibit is going to compare ancient art with high-tech performing art, the contemporary into the old world.

But let’s see some of the pics that could help us enjoying this sort of spiritual experience that Bill tries to express:

The Crossing by Bill Viola


First of all, The Crossing representing a man crossing natural elements, from fire to water: surrounding sounds of the nature, flames all up his body and then the flood who let everything disappear. That’s it, the circle of life which can now start again.

The Greeting, Bill Viola 1995
Visitation by Pontormo vs. Visitation by Bill Viola 1995
The Path, 2002 by Bill Viola
The Path, 2002 inspired by one of the Decameron stories by Boccaccio

Then there is a series dedicated to the depiction of passion:

Surrender, 2011 – reflections of the half body of a women into a man who try to meet…


Four Hands, showing hands of a young boy, a woman, a man and an older woman in their daily gestures…

Pietà, representing the original one by Masolino da Panicale 1424

Then maybe the most amazing one, in a silent room, here it is the fresco by Paolo Uccello, originally located into Santa Maria Novella’s Green Cloister ”The Flood and Receding of the Waters” depicting Noah’s flood. Then suddenly  in the back it appears a video showing a contemporary flood, water covering the stairs and people passing by…

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The Reflecting Pool
The Reflecting Pool – the manifesto of electronic art. A study about mankind, time and world.

After, a representation of Florence in the ’70s, while shooting in some studios, or performing with the most idealistic men at that time: Peter Hutchinson – the Land artist, a conceptual artist, or Takahiko Iimura – a Japanese avant-garde filmmaker – and so on..

Bill Viola
Bill Viola picture
Takahiko Iimura
Takahiko Iimura, Japanese artist

The exhibit is dedicated to Bill, the artist who once worked for an exclusive and unique video production center based in Florence, the Art/Tapes/22: it is (unfortunately was!) one of the only four Italian centers where videos began to be considered as a way to express arts – now you can have a taste of the Art/Tapes/22, a collection of interviews, documents and pictures at the ‘900 Museum of Florence.

#NoteOfTheDay Little Boy in the Grass by Aurora

Santa Maria Novella: magnificent stained-glass windows and Neo-gothic style of Florence

It was today, 18th February that Florence celebrates the death anniversary of Anna Maria Luisa de’ Medici.
Thanks to it, there (still?!) is free entry in several museums of the city were, and Santa Maria Novella was one of those.

It has been several time I didn’t enter that door, hence the results are surprizingly amazing!

Look at those pictures to know what I mean, discover the inner side of the first Gothic Church in Florence:

Santa Maria Novella entrance - Florence
Santa Maria Novella entrance (looking back)  – Florence
San Thomas of Canterbury, right wall of SMN
San Thomas of Canterbury, right wall of SMN
Giotto Crucifix in the middle of the central aisle
Giotto Crucifix in the middle of the central aisle
Santa Maria Novella - central aisle and altar
Santa Maria Novella – central aisle and altar
Santa Maria Novella main altar, Neo-gothic style, rebuilt in 19th Century
Santa Maria Novella main altar, Neo-gothic style, rebuilt in 19th Century
Cappella Tornabuoni, magnificent stained-glass windows
Cappella Tornabuoni, magnificent stained-glass windows
frescoes by Ghirlandaio - final part by Michelangelo Buonarroti
frescoes by Ghirlandaio – final part by Michelangelo Buonarroti

For this last picture it’s worth to say that historical arts tells us that those frescoes were made by Ghirlandaio and its collaborators: one of them was Michelangelo Buonarroti and it is told that he contributed to paint the final part of the fresco…but it also told that Ghirlandaio was so jealous and envied him for his work of arts that decided to dismiss his pupil.

But let’s go on with SMN pictures:

Groin vault in Tornabuoni chapel
Groin vault in Tornabuoni chapel
Giant wooden bookrest of 6th Century
Giant wooden bookrest of 6th Century (in Tornabuoni Chapel, just behind the main altar)
Cloister of Santa Maria Novella
Cloister of Santa Maria Novella
In Santa Maria Novella's Cloister
In Santa Maria Novella’s Cloister


and the the final view:

Santa Maria Novella - front view
Santa Maria Novella – front view

I found it very very very interesting, so, even if it doesn’t seem to have an English version, enjoy the virtual tour/map of the Church here, you can have different explanation of what you’re gonna see if you once decide to visit Santa Maria Novella, Florence.